I have encountered this trend for noting down one’s “app defaults” a few times now, the latest from Manu. I always enjoy reading about the services others use. This time, I wanted to contribute to the list.

  • Mail Client: HEY
  • Mail Server: HEY
  • Notes: Notion / Keep Notes
  • To-Do: Tick Tick
  • Photo Shooting: Samsung Camera App
  • Photo Management: Google Photos (+ Snapseed for basic processing)
  • Calendar: Google Calendar
  • Cloud File Storage: Dropbox
  • RSS: Reeder (with iCloud)
  • Contacts: Google Contacts
  • Browser: Arc (Chrome at work)
  • Chat: WhatsApp, Google Messages
  • Bookmarks: Raindrop
  • Read It Later: Readwise Reader
  • Word Processing: Don’t use one anymore
  • Spreadsheets: Google Sheets
  • Presentations: Google Slides
  • Shopping Lists: Don’t use one anymore (or Keep Notes)
  • Meal Planning: Don’t use one anymore
  • Budgeting and Personal Finance: Don’t use one anymore
  • News: Techmeme / Hacker News / InShorts
  • Music: Spotify
  • Podcasts: Don’t listen anymore
  • Password Management: 1Password
  • Code Editor: Visual Studio Code

PS: Robb has created a website where you can see all the posts from others listing their app defaults. It’s a nice collection!