I have meant to write this post for quite a while, where I spill all my thoughts. The title clicked, and here's the post, finally.

The last few weeks have been crazy busy, both personally and professionally. I had to handle a lot of things and make too many decisions. Life kept throwing curveballs, and dodging them was all I did. That meant all the plans, the routine, and the focus areas for the year were out the window. I could not focus on anything other than living.

Trudging along was productive enough.

For me, productivity is a sham. There is no definition of it, just as there is no definition of life. I am always productive—and never am. I might not be productive at the same thing every day or doing what I want, but I am productive because I produce a significant result—my life.

I am only as productive as my life allows me to be. Why, then, is being productive revered so much?

For the last month or so, I have been unable to do anything I wanted. But I was the most productive during this period because I’ve walked through it and emerged forged anew—stronger, sharper, and refreshed.

This period also reminded me that my child and family's well-being are paramount to me. No cost, monetary or otherwise, is too steep for that. Everything else is an afterthought. I don't feel burdened. Tired? Helpless? Sure.

But what's life when no one depends on you? When there's no one for you to depend on?

Why is there confetti in the title? Isn't spaghetti better? Well, spaghetti is a messy representation. I wanted to twist my mind—currently, it is a confetti tangle, scattered and impossible to sort neatly. Each thread is a tatter, but together, it's a celebration 🎉.